Freightliner Service Link is a diagnostic and service tool that communicates with the various Electronic Control Units (ECUs). Supports diagnostics and parameterization for Freightliner newest vehicles.
This version of ServiceLink will not support ALL Cascadia vehicles.
DiagnosticLink Professional will be required to program or parameterize Cascadia ECUs. ServiceLink will continue to support the bulkhead module (BHM) for the M2, SD, C2, and RVM products. Legacy ECUs AGS2, ICU2, SDU (Step Deployment Unit), LBCU (Light Bar Control Unit) support will be maintained as well.
- Microsoft Edge Browser and Google Chrome are NOT ServiceLink Windows 10 users are advised to open ServiceLink application in IE 11 only.
- ServiceLink will NOT support the CGW02T ECU. This ECU may be equipped on Model Year 2017 and later M2, SD, Coronado, and WST vehicles. DiagnosticLink 8.03 or higher is required.
- The Nexiq USB-Link1 and 2 are the only supported adapter devices by the Dealer Help Desk (DHD). For other adapters (i.e. Dearborn and Noregon): The DHD will provide limited support to ensure that ServiceLink is functioning as expected. If it is determined that the adapter is the issue, users will need to contact the appropriate provider for further assistance.
• Required Hardware: Nexiq USB-Link